Hi! My name is Julatra Mattice, pronounced Jew-La-Tray. I am indigenous from the Tolowa Dee-Ni' Nation Tribe, Mountain Maidu people, and Mexican American lineage. I have worked in healthcare all my adult life and I am currently a Licensed Vocational Nurse pursuing my dreams to become a Nurse Midwife oneday. Women's health is a passion of mine. It brings me great joy to spread good medicine to every woman I meet and try to support her in any way I can. I know how hard the system can be on women of color, especially when there's not much quality support available. My 6 year old son is my whole world and his spirit is what sent me down this journey of healing and assisting others in their journeys where I can. Birth is a sacred and difficult process and with the right support involved it enhances the birthers strengths and incredible abilities. I would love to be a supportive doula for you and your family during these life changing moments!


Yoni Steaming is an ancient practice that promotes feminine wellness. It brings healing, both physically and spiritually to women of all walks of life. The physical benefits of steaming include reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation, regulation of menstrual cycles, promotes healing of vaginal tears, episiotomies, or c-section scars, and detoxifies the womb and body.

If you are interested in allowing me to assist you with this sacred practice contact me Julatra Mattice, at 707-496-7448, or through email at missnicemattice@gmail.com.

I would love to assist you on your healing journey in any way I can!